Disabled and Proud: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Tucson

A paiting of various people with disabilities holding the disability pride flag. Caption reads, Tucson's Disability Pride Day,

 As December approaches, we prepare to celebrate the disabled community. International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), is observed annually on December 3 and was established in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly. 

This day is more than just a date on the calendar; it's a global call to action to promote the rights and dignity of disabled individuals. The essence of IDPD is to raise awareness at every societal level, from grassroots communities to international platforms. It's a day dedicated to ensuring that the disabled voices are heard and considered in all facets of life.

The Tucson community joins with a local celebration, the 2nd Annual Disability Pride Day Tucson! The event is hosted by the Office of Council Member Paul Cunningham, City of Tucson Ward 2. Direct is a proud sponsor and everyone is invited to join in the fun!

Mark your calendars for December 3, 2023, and join us from 11 am to 7 pm at the TCC Exhibition Hall for an event that promises to be as enlightening as it is festive. The day's activities include:

    • Live Entertainment from disabled artists

    • Food Trucks and additional culinary delights from Café 54 and WorkAbility

    • Resource Fair with valuable information from local community organizations

    • Adaptive Sports and games to participate in 

In addition to the celebration, there will be a convenient vaccine clinic. In line with promoting health and well-being, attendees can get their Flu and/or COVID-19 vaccines and receive a $10 gift card for a single shot or a $25 gift card for getting both.  

We hope you celebrate with us at Disability Pride Day Tucson and become part of a movement that takes pride in our disability identity!


Hailey Thoman, Associate Director

Hailey has worked in disability rights since 2011. Most of Hailey’s work has been focused on eliminating barriers to employment for people with disabilities while Executive Director for Linkages. She expanded her advocacy efforts when joining Direct Advocacy & Resource Center in 2019.


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