Tell the Census Bureau: Nothing About Us Without Us!

Urgent! The Census Bureau has proposed changes to the disability questions in the American Community Survey that will have a negative impact on the data that is collected. There is a strong possibility of undercounting the disability population, leading to reduced funding for critical federal programs and loss of critical data demonstrating the needs of our community. This was all done with no involvement or consultation with the disability community before the changes were released.

Comments are currently being accepted by the Census Bureau. Now is the time to say how important this data is, and no changes should be implemented without consultation with the disability community! Nothing about us without us!

It's easy to take action. Click the button below and use our form to submit your comments. The deadline is December 19th!

National Disability Rights Network

NDRN’s mission is to promote the integrity and capacity of the P&A and CAP national network and to advocate for the enactment and vigorous enforcement of laws protecting civil and human rights of people with disabilities.

Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition DAY AT THE CAPITOL


Disabled and Proud: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Tucson